

mymusic.dance is built for dance competition directors and owners.
We help bridge the gap between competitions and studios with the smoothest experience possible on both sides. Make your competition more desirable!

• Each dance studio gets an easy to use upload link.
• The competition gets a pre-made playlist; ready to open and hit play on the day.

If you are a Dance Competition, Dance Festival, Dance Challenge or whatever your unique angle is, we can help. We are here to serve those who do not want to pay to have everything done by DanceBug, Dance Comp Genie, or other “full service” companies. We are here to take one large task off your hands so you can focus on giving your clients the best experience to keep them coming back year after year! All while not going over budget.

The process of submitting music to your competition is 100% customizable through a one-on-one consulation. We will cover the process from beginning to end:

  • How studios receive their submission link.

  • Landing page aesthetics & information.

  • Submission options (1 entry vs. mass entry, labeling options, etc.).

  • Access to cloud hosted uploads. Filed by Event, Date, Entry #, or however you work best.

  • Playback options (iTunes playlist or customizable smart playlist via QLab)

  • Optional preloaded iPad shipped to you for quick & easy playback.

mymusic.dance is a branch of just music™.
just music is dedicated to the love of music in dance and is a resource for choreographers to enhance the music that supports their choreography. Increasing the quality of music heard on stages worldwide.

Visit just music @ justmusicindance.com